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I Mr. Syed Zahed, am an entrepreneur in Renewable Energy Technologies, secretary, I.C.W.A (NGO) is working for the promotion of renewable energy utilization in rural areas for the past five years in both Nellore and Prakasam Districts of Andhra Pradesh, India. With the interaction of most vulnerable communities existing in different geographical locations of Nellore and Prakasam districts. I felt the need to design and develop a compact solar energy pack that can cater the needs of both cooking and lighting for the communities which are far from the fruits of technological development. I have got few contacts through web search and I am sharing my experience to guide me for a noble cause. I am associated with Dr. N. Sai Bhaskar Reddy, CEO, GEO and ICWA is a partner of GEO in the one million stoves mission. I have created a package with the combination of MAGH-I woodgas stove designed by GEO, solar lamps and tourch lights with rechargeable batteries and a solar panel called “Solar Home Energy (SHE)” pack.

One of the main cause / invention that changed the stone age era is "fire" that lead to the modern era, starting from preparing tasty food for survival and develop instruments that facilitates the society. Every thing is there in the nature we have to just arrange / combine the sources for developing the device when it succeeds, it manifests as a new invention. Technology and development is there in every field of life, except the traditional practice of cooking by majority of rural people, where, smoke in the concern. also contributing to Climate Change / Global warming. It is just because of the poverty / lack of appropriate alternative source. Now the situation is alarming, cautioning the civilians to come out of this practice in reducing the CO2 emissions. Let me support / guide to achieve the "One Million Stoves Mission" ICWA is the partner of Geoecology Energy Organisation (GEO), Hyderabad. | and you too can become partners in this mission.

Rural residents across the developing world depend highly on fuel wood for their cooking and kerosene for lighting needs. SHE Pack could improve the availability and quality of basic energy services such as lighting and cooking. The economic development of a country is dependent upon sustainable use of natural resources. Poverty and the accompanying ignorance of natural resource degradation present major obstacles to sustainable development. The absence of clean household energy exposes rural population, particularly women and children, to high risks associated with poor indoor air quality, due to traditional cooking practices, lighting applications and critically hampers their prospects of escaping from poverty. Indoor air pollution is one of the leading causes of infant deaths after water borne and sanitation related diseases. Indoor air pollution is thus an environmental health priority, which needs to be addressed to reach the health-related MDG targets. A future based on renewable energy holds enormous promise for world economies, national security and the personal health and economic well-being of our children and children's children.

We dreamt to design and develop a compact solar energy system that can cater the developing world for the entire cooking and lighting needs of a family with a minimum cost which is affordable and adoptable. At last we have finished the design and named it as Solar Home Energy (SHE) – pack this system contains one solar module, two fixed lighting fixtures, two torch / mini search lights and supports for the battery operated MAGH-1 Woodgas Stove. SHE supports for continuous lighting for entire night, a comfortable bright lighting that supports the reading / writing reuirement of children (which can help to replace the kerosene consumption for the lighting in those houses where there is no electricity and where there is electricity it should replaced through switching off the zero bulbs (10W) it should support the women to carry house hold works and the battery operated MAGH-I woodgas stove will help to improve the efficiency of firewood that cause for a tremendous savings in the fuel wood consumption with minimizing the smoke in the kitchens.

SHE is designed and developed at an affordable cost of Indian Rupees five thousands (approximately $ 125). I dream that SHE should be a part of every family in the developing world. Hence, I request my universal brothers and sisters to guide me to access support for a noble cause, which can facilitate millions of families across the globe for reducing the release of carbon emissions into the environment.

With regards,

Syed Zahed,


mrityunjaybose said…
a great innovation, can in get the e mail id of syed zahed
Unknown said…
Web Designing

Thanks for sharing wow i like comments
hasmukh said…
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